Friday 23 October 2009

Things & stuff

Well, I got some good news today surrounding a job opportunity - rather, a training opportunity - that I'd wanted to apply for. I found this opportunity at work in my email (along with everyone else in government) about two days ago. It's a chance to train as a Communications Officer for a year. You learn to write news releases, arrange media conferences & interviews, prepare Ministerial speaking notes...all that good stuff. You are mentored and guided by a current CO, so that you're trained as they need/want you to be and can compete for further opportunities as a CO!

Because this is a temporary assignment, you need approval from your supervisor, so I asked (never hurts to ask!). She took it to her supervisor, who took it to the Director who said 'yes.' So I now have to write up a strong letter of interest and send it in by November 2nd.

I am happy in my current job. I know I'm VERY lucky to have it and all the benefits and perks that go along with it, however, I don't want to be there for 20 years. One of the reasons I like to work for government is because of all the opportunities like this that crop up. You don't have to take them, but they're there. I want to challenge myself more and gain some skills I can use anywhere: organization, prioritizing, researching - these are all things I could learn with this training. Carry that over to my current job and it applies; carry it through to teaching (which is where I'd like to end up) and it's even more relevant.

But first things first. Write the letter.

My excitement about this opportunity (I'm sure I'd learn how to use a thesaurus properly, too, to find alternate words) was tempered a bit by a visit to the hospital to visit a nephrologist (specializes in kidneys). I've had some health issues the past several years (7 bladder infections in a year to start) and my kidneys have "suddenly" become a concern. They're currently operating - if the numbers are to be believed - at about 50%. No one is sure why. After ruling many things out, I have more tests tomorrow. Then more waiting. It's very possible that I might have to go to Vancouver for a biopsy (which sounded pretty awful when the dr was describing it...ick), but again, first things first. Tests. Results. Decisions.

Despite talking with my sister about it, I'm still a bit freaked out by this news. And I can't eat anything because I have to fast for the blood test tomorrow, so it's just water all night. So I think I'll just watch S6 of "Corner Gas" and call it a night. On top of blood tests tomorrow morning, I've got a dentist appointment right after that, then have to take my truck in to get the tire fixed (just a broken bead I hope). I'm hoping Wally-World won't charge me for that, because I bought my tires there. It's been over two years since I spent money at Wally-World and I'd hate to break my streak.


1 comment:

Canadian Saver said...

Oh wow you have a lot going on... good luck with the letter of interest! Sounds like a great opportunity!

I hope the tests went well and that you get good results {{{hugs}}}