Wednesday 23 December 2009

Debt owed, paid

Yesterday my sister and BIL paid back what they had borrowed. The whole amount! This is very nice, and I was assured that it's okay and they're not short, which is important.

I thought about what I wanted to do with it (it came from my planned spending account), but then thought a bit more. Instead of doling it out to plump up my various accounts, I'd going to use it to pay down my computer. Every last penny. Plus the $300 I've already saved towards it.

I went over to Staples after work and tried to pay: I'd forgotten it won't clear for several days yet, so once again I'm going to have a late payment on the card, but it'll be big enough that it really won't matter. This is the one debt I'd like to clear up ASAP. It was a dumb move to finance it, but it appears it will be paid off a lot sooner than I'd hoped - once I've paid what I plan to, there will only be about $300 owing! I can easily get rid of that before March if I'm conscientious enough.


FB @ said...

That's great!

What a nice surprise :)

The Asian Pear said...

that's awesome. :)

Jolie said...

Family loans can be tricky at the best of times. How wonderful that it all worked out so nicely for you.

Anonymous said...

That's great they paid you back! And it's great that your computer will be paid off sooner than you thought!

Woohoo! :)

Jerry said...

It is great when family pays off loans like that, and it leads to better relations in general with less awkwardness. In general, there is never any insurance for this, even when lending to friends and family!