Sunday, 31 March 2019

April just around the corner - changes abound!

Word of the Month: Finance(s)! £$

And here we are - more or less - in a new month. Again! Is it just because we're getting older that time seems to whiz by faster than it did when we were younger? I don't know. But another month has sped by regardless.

Brexit was a crash and burn on Friday. A German friend of mine described it perfectly: Clusterf**k. Leave, stay, deal, no-deal - we've paid an exorbitant price for it over the past 2.5 years AND a 'healthy' raise for the Parlimentarians just a few months ago. Poor loves. All that 'hard' work and nothing to show for it. If I worked that 'hard' for a result like that, I'd be fired. Perhaps that's at the back of their minds?? This whole fiasco has taken over entirely, leaving hundreds of other issues forgotten, languishing, overlooked, underfunded, etc. to the detriment of every single one of us. Anyhoo, we now have until April 12 to come up with a new scheme/plot/desperate attempt (or not). Any further time requested after that threatens the current 'plan' as EU elections are imminent (potential changes to the current committee/task force).


Anyway, in better news, it's SPRING! My birthday is on Tuesday and the weather bodes quite well - warm-ish but showery. Typical, but nonetheless, I'm quite looking forward to it. 

I have absolutely no plans, but I might pop into a shop at lunchtime and treat myself to something new. My wardrobe is feeling dull, old, flat, etc. Some really pretty things around at the moment and I'm torn between handing over my CC and hauling some new duds home (that I honestly do need) and being overly cautious because I do have other things to attend to.

The biggest reason for this is that as well as the non-event of Brexit happening on Friday, we also got our notice on the flat. Our move date is (before) 31 May. It wasn't entirely unexpected, what with a one-year lease. The landlord has decided to sell. Prior to that, however, the damp proofing works need to be done to take care of the damp/mould issue we've been experiencing. Our landlady wants to do it once we've left, which is really the most sensible solution for all involved as the works are apparently quite disruptive for about 14 days. Roomie E and I will be going our separate ways, as this is my opportunity to move closer to work, and her staying in the current area makes more sense for her job. 

This means I need to register with a new estate agency which also means additional fees. I don't believe our current agency lets properties in Ringwood, at least I've never seen anything advertised by them. I'll be missing the new legislation banning letting fees, however, as that comes into effect 1 June and I'll have arranged everything and moved prior to that. The only thing I can do to mitigate that cost somewhat is to find an agency with 'more reasonable' fees. I can't avoid it, but I will have my deposit coming back to me and that will offset the costs (movers, cleaners, fees, etc. Geez...) that I will likely have to put on my CC. 

I'm looking at a studio flat, nothing glamourous, but all I'm able to afford. I'm hoping costs will even out a little bit, as the idea is to not drive as often and save money on petrol in that respect (currently about £60 for almost a month). Plus, walking to work - about 20 mins from town centre - every day is bound to be better for the waistline, too! There's a big Lidl five minutes walk from the estate, too, so I'll be able to budget my food a bit more tightly as well. These flats come up semi-regularly - there was a bit of a flurry in the last two weeks - so I'm not worried, although I am kind of hoping a little one-bed I saw on the High Street last year comes up again. Who knows? I'm going to start looking and that's all I can do.

I'm going to start collecting boxes for my tchotkes and bits and stuff and have asked if I'm able to start storing some things at the office (yes). I'm going to declutter, as usual, and a move is a perfect opportunity. I already have a box designated for donations, it's just a matter of dropping the items off at a charity shop (repeatedly!).

My mobile phone died, as I mentioned in my last post, so I tried again to get a PAC number from my provider. Of course, they'll try anything to keep you, so I was quite proud of myself for making them work a little bit for that privilege. I kept firm to my budget (less than £20 a month), and initially got my same data package - 4GB, unlimited texts/minutes - for £9 a month instead of my current £16, but worthless if the phone doesn't work. So I got a new phone & current data package for a fixed monthly price of £19 (24-month contract). Ideally, I'd get SIM-only, but I can't even do that if my phone doesn't work, so I'm keeping that in mind for the end of the current contract. I've actually not had any issues with my provider, so am happy enough to stay with them, and am pleased they spent so much time trying to keep my business.

While it seems I'm spending more on my monthly package, I'm actually not. I consistently went over my £16 monthly 'limit', at least doubling it most months, so I've capped the overage on the new phone at £0 for that. It should keep things consistent. The phone is last year's model (who cares) and is massive compared to the old one. I've finally got it set up and am getting the hang of it. I'm not tethered to my phone and almost literally use it only for texting or WhatsApp'ing. My data package is massive for that, but that's what I was offered, so whatever. I had 17 voice mails waiting for me - ha ha! It means that I need to collect phone numbers and stuff again, but that won't be too difficult.

April's word, as you'll see, is 'finances'. I need to focus on these this month, whether it's redirecting some funds elsewhere, combining accounts, looking to cash out my veryveryvery tiny investment to put towards debt (literally £100), where I can make more, moving costs. All that good/bad/ugly stuff. My sister owes me about £200 but I can't expect that anytime soon so while that's going on my list, I'm not officially 'counting' it at the moment.

I made my first payment on my 0% CC yesterday too. I'm so used to thinking 'but interest still needs to be added', I almost didn't. Then I was like, 'BUT THERE ISN'T ANY!! YAHOO!!' so one month down (a portion of my deposit refund WILL be going towards paying down CCs).

I had a dentist appointment yesterday and my teeth are all clean and shiny now. I can see why the hygienists prefer the ultrasonic picks - they're fast! I'm not overly keen on them, but my first experience with one wasn't great as it seemed to hurt my teeth, but dental technology has advanced greatly since then, so there were no issues at all except for a very sensitive wisdom tooth, which she had to do by hand. So, all good, with a reminder to 'floss every day'. I paid cash and because they had no change - usually take cards - I have a £2 credit for my next appointment in October. Ha ha!

While I was in my appointment, I had my car washed by the crew in the parking lot. The fellow did a fab job (£5) and Pascale looks loooooovely. She was looking very grimy.

My book still has legs but the forward momentum has stalled at Chapter 7. I'm feeling a bit stuck now. I've resorted to vignettes of different scenarios with different characters interacting to see if I can get more of a feel of motivation/character/personality, etc. Some surprises, but it's also fun. I think I need to figure out the murderer, motive, some clues to add, red herrings, etc. because it's a bit flat at the moment. Anyhow, it's early days yet, so having something is better than absolutely nothing!

Happy spring, everyone!


T'Pol said...

Walking to work must be awesome! Never had that luxury. My dad used to walk to work, come home home for lunch and go back! Imagine that. It will be great exercise so, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to find the best and affordable location.

As for treating yourself on your birthday, I have a trick. I usually buy a piece that I can dress up or down, like a good quality neutral color T-shirt or a simple pair of pants. By using jewelry, jackets or scarves that you already own, you can get a lot of use out of such simple pieces.

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi T'Pol! I used to walk to work back when I lived in Canada (before Whitehorse), and did with my very first job here in the UK. But I haven't been able to since. It makes a huge difference, although I think the flats might be just a smidge too far to go back to for lunch. And thank you for the support!

That's very good advice re: clothing piece. As much as I need stuff, I'm not overly keen on shopping generally these days. It's just too frustrating. And I need pants, shirts, dresses, shoes, etc. All of it. All my current bits are feeling tired. I'm sure I'll find something(s) suitable, though. xx

Gill - That British Woman said...

I need to get back too walking. Have to say I am totally fed up of Brexit and as you know we live in it shouldn't even affect us. Good luck with your flat hunt.

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi Gill - so lovely to have you back! :D I've gotten out of the habit of walking, too easy to do, and need to make myself get out. Of course, now the weather is going to turn rubbish again, so that will halt any plans I might have for lunchtime outings. Brexit is the definition of 'fiasco'. Ridiculous! And thank you, I'm actually quite excited to start looking. xx

MW said...

Happy Early Birthday!!!

Good luck with the flat search. It doesn't seem that long ago since you moved but my perception of time is off right now. Would be great to be within walking distance to grocery and work.

Great progress on your book. The next chapters will come!

Your cell phone plans seem quite reasonable. I'm currently paying $67 (CAD) for just 1GB, unlimited text and 300 min of phone time. This plan doesn't exist anymore. If I were to give it up, the cheapest ones that offer the same are now are in the $100/mnth range. Crazy!

I ended up buying an unlocked phone and transfering my plan over to it, as my old phone was near death.

Treaders said...

Aaarrrrgggg Brexit. Now the local prefectures aren't even handing out appointments for us to hand in our files to request a resident's permit! I for one hope the bloody thing dies a death but that could just be because nearly one million expat Brits living in the EU (like me and my kids, for instance) didn't get to vote so I hardly call that democratic. Oh and happy birthday and good on you for looking to live closer to work. Having quit work because I could no longer tolerate my horrendous commute I think you are making the right decision. So good luck!

JiCaLu said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

I need to wash my car, and fix it cause I scraped it on a wall smhhhh. Hopefully it isn't too pricey.

Cannot wait to see what the new flat is like - yall aren't getting a refund for having to live with the mould and stuff?? :s

its me, sam said...

April will be a busy month for you! Have the happiest of Birthdays today!

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi MW! Thank you very much :) I'm both dreading and looking forward to a move - it's only been a year since I last moved, so not that long at all. But the landlady's father has died and they want to sell. I just need to be patient with the book - I've got a writing group meeting on Saturday, so that will definitely help, it always does. There's lots of competition here which is why providers have to do some of the work to keep prices low. I think I was paying about $30(?) in Canada, but I much prefer my rates here. SIM-only will halve it once I can get on to it. I can't believe you're paying so much for a phone! I'm loving my new phone though, very slick. :) xx

Hi Treaders! I didn't realise the expats didn't get to vote. That seems very unfair, particularly as it affects you more in many respects. How frustrating! I hope the prefecture opens again for your permit applications. Thanks for the birthday wishes and for the luck in finding a place close to work. I'm sure I'll find something suitable. I'm really keen on being closer while I can. I love my car, but am tired of being in it every day. xx

Hi JiCaLu - thank you! It was very nice, pasta and tiramisu made by my Italian roommate. Yum! Oh no - what a pain. Hope the repair is an easy and cheap fix! The new flat won't be nearly as luxurious or roomy as the current one, but it will be mine :D Photos will happen. Sadly, no refund, no. The mould isn't at the level that's affecting our health, and hasn't been an issue since the weather has warmed up. xx

Hi Sam!! It seems so, yes. Thank you so much! Hope you're doing well xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope, you have a great day.T'Pol

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi T'Pol - thank you! I did :) xx

Jane said...

I can understand you walking less now that you have Pascale! :) But of course walking would save on gas and therefore $. So you have about 6 weeks and a bit before moving - hopefully something perfect will show up in that time. Love the ideas for making progress with your book - trying different mixes of characters etc. I wouldn't know where to begin. Are you still using the New Forest as your location?
Have you thought of shopping on the internet? Try things on at home instead of going into the shops and being badgered by staff? Return what doesn't fit? It's not for everyone but I bought two bathing suits from Amazon and kept them both. They were a good price and I didn't have to try them on with anyone breathing down my neck and checking out my thighs!! :)

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi Jane! Yeah, that was the thought, but it's not going to happen just yet, unfortunately. I'm going to give it another year...I'm still feeling a bit stuck on the book and haven't made any forward progress for a couple of weeks, but had a lovely visit with the ladies and got a great idea for a murder motive out of it so that's something! :) Yes, still trying to use the New Forest as the locale, although it's not very murderous/mysterious/foresty at this point. Early days, yet. I do some shopping online, yes, and have had some luck. Sometimes, though, it's nice to try a few things on. I got lucky and found three dresses that work for me, so now it's just a matter of trying to remember to shave my legs...ahem. Ha ha ha!! xx