Living room view.
Dining room.
Living room.
Hallway, Roomie E's room on left.
Hallway, bathroom and shower room on right.
Main bathroom (mine).
Shower room (Roomie E's).
Front foyer, my room on left.
My new room!
All the bits and pieces in the hallway have been tidied away, as these photos are from last week. Outside of that, it's so quiet and peaceful. We really lucked out with this place!
It's been a bit of an exhausting week as we get settled and figure out new routines, etc. The drive to work hasn't been too much different - about an extra 10 minutes all in. The only 'bother' (if it can even be termed that) is that I now have to cross a fairly busy commuter road and just need to stay patient there. There is an alternate route, but unclear how long that would take me, as it's along Highcliffe high street which is about 3" wide and I think could get a bit jammed depending on the day. Anyway, no major issues so far and here's to that continuing.
I am putting it in writing, however, that next time I move, I'm moving alone.
Outside of that, I've been reading up a storm and have cleared three more books from my TBR pile this week (I KNOW! Keener...). Fortunately, I've enjoyed them all and this morning spent some time updating my NetGalley reviews so am currently up to date with those (more or less).
My writing group met yesterday morning and we had a fantastic meeting. Considering we were literal strangers when we sat down 18 months ago for a writing workshop, we are a cohesive, supportive, EFFING amazing group of ladies who genuinely enjoy each other's company. I believe I can genuinely say we're now friends. Now that the anthology has reached its apex, we've been feeling at a bit of a loose end so decided that new goals were needed. Each of us has a long(er) term goal that fits with who she is and what she wants to do. Mine is publishing a novel (a cosy mystery) set in the New Forest, which is a beautiful and very unique part of the country. My first goal is to write an outline and a couple of character sketches for the next meeting in July. I need the accountability of showing everyone a result: a half or full chapter each month after that. The group will be my eyes in respect of continuity, etc. Plus there are two ex-teachers in the group so grammar issues will be picked up as well. I can bounce ideas off everyone and fine-tune questions and suspects, etc.
I'm happy to be in a place that feels good and where I'm sleeping well. I haven't slept consistently through the night for almost three weeks, but I hope last night's 8-hour solid snooze will be the first of many more!
Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Very pleased for you - such a nice green space outside and mature TREES! And the kitchen is wonderful, loads of space everywhere. Great work with the writing group - it's so nice that you've all advanced from workshoppers to friends and budding writers! There is something very motivating in being accountable to the larger group - I hope this will really kickstart that cozy novel :)
Very nice! It is neutral, ready for your personalization. Just enough coziness with the nice light from the outside. Enjoy!
Hi Jane - it really is lovely. Birds galore and some neighbourhood cats as well, none of which I've managed to cuddle with. Yet! The writing group is amazing - we're all such different people, but brought together with the same goals. I'm quite excited to see what we come up with! xx
Hi Nawm - yes, it's really perfect. Lots of opportunity to brighten it up a bit! xx
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