Saturday, 31 March 2018

Lucky you!

Two posts in two days from me! This is just how fast stuff is changing around here. I'm having trouble keeping up. But at least it's all somewhat clearer, so my frustration level is coming down which is good for everyone. :D

I had a great sleep last night so am feeling much better today, which helps immensely. The landlady said this morning that the house closing isn't until July (!) which, even for England, is a long time. This is good for everyone; it means no panicking (on my part, at least), more time to save and more time to look, as the market is continuously changing.

To that end, I made some adjustments to my budget to the end of the year, realising that things will change again, probably more than a couple of times. 
  • Pay off my MC as it's got the lowest balance and the highest interest rate. I'm aiming to do this in the next 6 months, but hopefully sooner (snowflaking is the most likely option).
  • I won't have a 'chicken' budget after July so can put that £10 elsewhere.
  • Continue with retirement savings generally, and emergency funds to £1,000. As I'm going, that will be December next year but I'd like to try and fund it fully before that, so that'll take a bit of thought and playing with numbers and accounts. Again, though, I'm leaving this alone for the time being as it's working fine and overthinking things will get me flustered and muddled.
  • I'm going to start looking at car insurance too. I know I can get a better price than what I'm currently paying, but my current insurance is valid to the end of July so I'm okay for the time being. I'll be dropping comprehensive coverage and going strictly Third Party (my car is worth about £50, comprehensive simply isn't worth it). I should be able to get a really reasonable price if I do that. Plus, as I'm now over 50, I'm hoping to snag a bit of a deal that way too.
  • Everything is a big question mark after July but have left it all as it is for the time being. I'll have to add utilities and council taxes, possibly more rent and petrol.
  • Savings will stay the same until I need to change them: I've set up car, travel, flat deposit, emergency and retirement savings accounts. As long as I'm saving something, I'm happy. They currently all get about £25 a month.
  • But that brings up the question, should I use some of that to clear my MC, instead of paying it off monthly? The problem is that I may likely need some of that as a deposit for a flat, so don't want to change things too much at the minute.
  • I also still have Canadian debt, being chipped away currently at $240 a month. I don't have to worry about it until next year, but I need to start saving to continue with that starting in June or July to send a chunk.
There is one final no-sugar programme starting tomorrow and I registered for it. They're winding up the whole business after this, and I've done a big backslide since the last one (as usual). Another auspicious date, I'm considering this another birthday present to myself. There was a 40% coupon for it, so I took it. I'll likely be a week behind as I'm away this week, but I can at least cook where I'm staying and will try to focus on veggie-heavy meals if I can.

Hope you're all getting some spring weather where you are.


Jane said...

I can understand you feeling tetchy at the moment - you have a lot going on and I can empathize with your unsettled feelings with another move coming up. I prefer having things SETTLED also and can get quite stressed out when things aren't! Which then leads into stress eating and THAT vicious cycle! It could be trickier finding a house for two people but that 2 bedroom place was quite spacious...but unfortunately not available to share. BUT you will find something, I'm sure of it. I imagine you'd move prior to July if you find something suitable in the meantime?
Your mom has put you on the spot - you have to keep in mind what is best for you in your current situation of paying down debt and so on. I'm glad you have your sister to talk to about this - it would suck to be the only daughter!!

Jane said...

Oh, and have a wonderful time in Edinburgh!!!!!!! So jealous!

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi Jane - thanks. I'm definitely feeling a bit better and am just prepping for Edinburgh now. I'm going to rest, relax and just enjoy the city. Yes, stress eating - I can certainly relate to that. My go-to stress busters are sugar & carbs: biscuits, sweet tea, cheese on toast, etc. All that 'good' stuff. Which is why I've joined the no-sugar programme again. I'm glad we have some time to find a place - I'm frankly tired of looking at the moment because it's all the same stuff at the moment, but I know something will come up. Hope you had a lovely weekend! xx

jj said...

Enjoy your trip! I am glad you'll get a few months to search - it's sad that the one place didn't like sharers - not sure why it matters once the entire rent is paid! my friend was house hunting here in Toronto for a bit before she found a good place, but the rent here is so high! Sorry about your mom, my sisters and I go through the same motherly guilt at times. That's a big amount of $ for you to spend!

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi jj! Thank you - it was fabulous. Yes, I was surprised about the sharing aspect too, but some people have had bad experiences so I can sort of understand that. I'm glad I have someone to share with, though, it's hard to find somewhere affordable. Yes, it's moving or SA at this point, that's all there is to it, sadly. xx