Sunday, 10 December 2017

What the heck!

I've just applied for a job at the High Commission of Canada in London. It costs nothing to try although I won't hear anything until the new year at this point.

Literally, this is my 'job of a lifetime' opportunity. Nearly 5,000 people have viewed the job, but no idea how many of those applied. I'm not surprised the competition will be strong - it's a fantastic opportunity.

My chance of success is zero if I don't try, so after a bit of a frustrating afternoon when every time I tried to apply I got a warning, I took a little break, got a couple of suggestions and managed to get everything sent off. The job closes at midnight tonight.

So...fingers crossed!

Outside of that, I'm working on my Christmas cards. If you'd like one, drop me a line - I'd love to send you one!

Work at the hotel continues. It still takes me three days to recover, but I will take advantage of it until at least the new year. Christmas will be busy and exhausting but at least I have the daytime to recover and recuperate a bit, and there will be another commis sommelier (my TITLE!) to help. So it won't be too bad.

I'm also waiting for a review at my day job. I don't think it will be complicated or too long, but I know there are things going on and I'm keen to hear what they are. I sincerely hope that I'll come away with a higher wage as well, as modest is good to a point, but tends to start chafing a bit when costs increase. And if you're hiring more surveyors, surely there's a couple extra grand in there for the admin staff too?

I've inquired about doing some volunteer work at the little coffee shop in the village. It's run by the church (so I hope it's not too, er, 'churchy') and is about 15 seconds walk from the house. I have time on Saturdays (they're open 10-1) and I'd like to get to know a few people and feel a bit more involved in the village community. There's also a dog charity I'd like to inquire at, as well as the local food bank. Those will probably be new year queries, however. A little bit at a time.

I'm thinking of things I want to do over the holidays: tidy, perhaps rearrange my room (how, I'm not sure yet), declutter, donate, walk, read, etc. Outside of work, I need to do something(s) for myself. I'll also be fussing with my budget, I imagine, trying to see where I can add or change or increase or decrease things. Definitely a work in progress, on the scale of Gaudi's cathedral in Barcelona...

I bought myself another TV. Yes, I said 'another'. The one I inherited from my housemate was fine until it wasn't, so I managed to find a digital TV (remember those?) in a thrift shop for £45 a few weeks ago. It was a bit big for the space but worked perfectly and I was more or less happy with it until I walked into the same thrift shop last week and saw a smart TV for £39! It's an earlier version, a bit more compact, although I believe is the same size. It's a nicer picture and I'll be able to get Netflix on it, whereas I can't on the digital TV. I'm going to see if I can £20 or so for it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it - it's just not HDMI, etc.-friendly. Someone will love it and there are so many buy/sell sites out there these days, it shouldn't be a problem finding someone who's looking for a second TV.

Christmas will be upon us in no time! Is it just me or has this year simply flown by?


T'Pol said...

I cannot believe 2017 is over either so, you are not alone. Let's hope 2018 will be kinder, gentler and prosperous.

Hawaii Planner said...

I'm with you - cannot believe that 2017 is wrapping up. I'm with T'Pol - hoping 2018 is a year where people treat each other with more kindness, all around. 2017 has been a hard year for me, in that regard, particularly living in the US. :-(

Sending you lots of good thoughts on your potential job!

Jane said...

I guess you can't return the digital TV to the thrift store for a refund? Darn. But definitely worth it to get a smart TV for Netflix. That's so exciting about the job, my fingers are crossed! That would likely be a substantial pay increase?! Yes, 2017 disappeared in the blink of an eye! I find time has really speeded up since I retired. Which seems unfair! My days should feel long and leisurely but quite the opposite. I have baking to do, a couple more gifts to buy, wrapping to do in between shovelling all of this SNOW! Holy moly did we ever get walloped and more on its way. Perhaps the prediction for a "classic" Canadian winter was right after all!

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi T'Pol: I'm glad it's not just me then. I agree - I'm looking forward to the new year and some good news for a change and people, hopefully, being a bit kinder to each other. xx

Hi HP - I can't imagine being in the US at the moment, I have to say. It must be difficult, although here we are in the midst of Brexit negotiations, our divorce settlement £58.9 billion larger than the current government bragged it would be. More kindness would be a very welcome thing.

And thank you for the good thoughts on the application! xx

Hi Jane - no, no refund, unfortunately. Long past the return date on that, but it's okay. Except that my 'new' HDMI TV doesn't seem to accept the Netflix key...I'm not techy enough to know why but I'll see if I can figure it out before I send the key back. Yes, the HC job would add £13k to my wage - substantial indeed! The competition is huge, however, so we shall see what comes up in the new year. Sounds like it'll be a white Christmas for you this year! xx