Tuesday, 1 August 2017

A few days off


I've had a few days off, nothing in particular planned, but just because I have some holiday time to use up and sometimes it's just nice to not be at work for a few days. I'm back to work tomorrow for a short week (that will likely feel twice as long!) and then don't have anything else scheduled until my trip to Edinburgh in September with Jane.

I've sorted stuff out to put towards a car boot sale that my cousin and I are going to do at some point next month - clothes, a few books, random items like a bike basket, some throws, etc. I won't make a lot of money, obviously, but the point is to clear some bits out and a car boot sale is as good a place as anywhere. Whatever doesn't sell will go to charity (unless it's complete rubbish). There's a local one that runs every Sunday and has a £5 fee for vendors which is reasonable.

I had an appointment to view the flat in Fordingbridge last Thursday as well but have rescheduled again to Saturday, Aug 5. I just couldn't be bothered to go in all honesty. I'll go and see it but after crunching some numbers I can't afford it anyway, unfortunately - not if I want to eat! A shame, but going to see it won't hurt and will give me a good idea of space for the future. There's definitely a reason it's not renting as flats don't generally stay so long on the market (it was first posted a year ago, but I don't know if tenants have been in since then). Certainly a top floor flat is going to be slightly more difficult to rent out, but I would have thought that lowering the rent even a little would be an option at this point - surely something is better than nothing? I don't know. I appreciate there's a 'break even' point before you actually start to lose money and perhaps the landlord is currently at that price point now, but I do wonder. Regardless, I still can't afford it which saddens me a bit.

I did, however, decide to take the room in Ringwood. It just makes sense, particularly as I won't have to drive anywhere on a regular basis and can keep the car parked. It won't be until October 1 though, as I have some commitments in September to see through before shifting. It will also give me more time to divest myself of excess clutter and give me an extra month to save. It also means a month of commuting, but I'm okay with that as it's only about 20 minutes, more or less direct from where I am and against the traffic! I've sent the homeowner a note and am hoping to hear back from her soon. I'm pleased because I'll be able to actually save a bit. Ringwood is also a larger town and there are more opportunities for part-time jobs (I hope!) if I wanted one. 

I've worked out a loose budget for (assumed) costs once I've moved but obviously that will change once I've lived with it for a while. I'm still hoping for a bit of a pay rise but I don't think I'll hear any more about that until all the ink has dried on the paperwork for the new offices so am not anticipating that for the budget at the moment. We do finally have a new space, right on the high street in Ringwood town centre, and the MD is anticipating we'll be in by the first week in September (!!!) but I'm not sure how that's actually going to work. We'll get movers for the physical aspect of it, but it more or less means we need to start clearing the huge amount of clutter yesterday. Ah well. I did say I was happy to put some weekends in but just need to know in advance.

Oh! And I got my first pair(s) of glasses too. I was determined to make it to 50 before I got glasses, and am now the proud owner of two pairs of reading glasses. It's going to take me some time to figure out when I need these and when I don't, but I'm sure it won't take long. The reading glasses in the drug stores are much cheaper but I need a prescription because my eyes have minor astigmatism. I'd say 'just' readers at this point is pretty good. I've been very lucky not to need any corrective eyewear to this point, particularly as all my family has worn them forever.

Otherwise, my time off has been quiet, not doing much of anything. I've washed just about everything that needs it, sorted out the stuff (above), grocery shopped, had a lavender tea with my cousin on Sunday, and have been catching up with 'Endeavour', which is terrific.

I've been doing a bit of catching up with everyone's blogs, too, which has been a nice treat. 

I hope you're all having a great summer!


T'Pol said...

Good to hear from you! I think it is wise to rent a room before renting a flat. Hope, it works for you.
As for glasses, I envy you! I started wearing them when I was 8!

Jane said...

I'm surprised the flat hasn't rented too; as it looks quite nice from the pictures. You may see some problems however when you do go and see it. Pictures don't always tell the whole story. Won't it be wonderful to be so close to work and that will save you some gas money! I didn't think you were moving til the new year but it's Oct. 1st! Coming fast! I'm excited for you taking this next step in independence. I think you're going to love it!

Northern Living Allowance said...

Hi T'Pol: Thanks! The flat's been a bit of a pain to arrange (wondering if this is part of the reason it hasn't rented yet, although I hold my hands up for my part in the first missed visit). And, yes, I'm very lucky I haven't needed glasses until now. My mum was 3 when she got her first pair, so I've had lots of time to get used to the idea. Ah, age! xx

Hi Jane: I'm thinking it's partly the agent's issue as well, because I'm STILL waiting for a confirmation text/phone call for the rearranged appointment on Saturday (although it may show up v. early Sat a.m.). I may call tomorrow to check it's still on. Yes, it all worked out quite well really, re: the room (still awaiting confirmation from the homeowner). I think it's a good choice overall. xx