I've written up a list of health complaints to take with me to my doctor's appointment a week Friday. I'm allowed one thing to present with, so I've written ONE list. I'm happy to attribute a portion of this list's complaints to menopause, but not all of it.
I don't particularly want to make 16 different appointments to take care of the list, but if I have to I will. Surely one or two things can be checked off with, say, a blood test? The NHS is a frustrating place to navigate. A very broken system with employees who are doing the best they can with it. I'm sympathetic, but still frustrated.
I am pondering what I need to remove from my diet to moderate how I'm feeling: dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, carbs, etc. I'll be sitting down this week and making up lists of food I need to focus on.
I also discovered this morning that all that coconut I've been inhaling the past several weeks (about 3kgs of it now) is both terribly fattening and sweet - even though it's raw, unsweetened coconut. This is why my work pants, which fit me Friday, don't fit me this morning! I did walk to work - housesitting this week in town - which took me 45 minutes, so that's something. I plan to do it all week, weather dependent. It's direct and quite pleasant so I'll take advantage of the mild weather and do a morning walk. It's half-term so the roads are much quieter, too, which is nice.
As one of my complaints is shortness of breath (attributed last year to anemia), I won't be walking back in the evenings as it's all up hill (although a very long, gentle hill) and I would struggle. One thing at a time. I felt great this morning for doing it, so that's a start.
I've sat at this place before (they have three cats) and wondered about their little garden annex, which they now use as an AirBnB flat. I was asked to put some milk in the fridge for the new guest who arrives on Tuesday, so took the opportunity to snoop. It's very tiny - just two rooms and a bathroom - but quite bright and has everything necessary (including a small outside garden space off the bedroom) for a comfortable stay. They used to rent it out and I may ask later in the year if they're considering doing that again, as I would be very interested. I believe the last time they rented it, it was £680 'all in', which is highly unusual. As I'm not in a position at the moment to really do anything about it, I'll leave it, as I say, until a bit later in the year. It costs nothing to ask, after all.
It would be really nice to have my own place again, even a tiny flat. I don't dislike living with my cousin, but I've said from the beginning that ultimately I want my own space again. It seems to be taking me an awfully long time, though! Ah well.
Hope you feel better soon. I am also going to see a doctor this week because of having terrible back pain. Good Luck to both of us!
Hi T'Pol! Thank you. I hope you get an answer - back pain is the worst! xx
hope you get some answers soon....
Me too! Thanks, Gill x
Getting older sucks sometimes! But it is better than the alternative. :) I love having the list ready for the dr... I've seen her more int eh past year than the past 5...
A blood test will hopefully give you a couple of answers. Only being able to present ONE thing seems a bit harsh! It really seems as though Canada's health care system is top notch. Keep up the walking if you can - I really believe it's the best overall exercise for good health. Gee, like that's a surprise ;)
Hi Sam! Yes, getting older isn't for sissies, is it? :P I hadn't actually considered a list before, so am quite pleased with my result - ha ha! I can't wait to see her at the end of next week and cross something off my list. x
Hi Jane! Well, I can't request a blood test, the doctor has to suggest it. I can present with my issue, we have 5 mins to discuss, and then she suggests/writes a referral for one thing or another. It's enough to make me seriously consider private health care - I'd have a few more options. :P x
Our healthcare system isn't any better here in the US. Insurance costs a ridiculous amount yet you're rushed through when you do go in to see a doc. Hopefully borrowing will shed some on what's going on with you. I really should go in myself.
Hi Karen - thanks for stopping by! Health care is so frustrating, isn't it? I suppose part of it is that up until now I've been relatively problem-free and the seeming suddenness of all these concerns has just taken me by surprise. Age! It ain't for wimps! x
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